Etiquette During Music Shows

Josh Gad recently spoke out about how a famous audience member threw him off of his game during a performance of the Tony-winning The Book of Mormon. While he didn't expose the celeb by name, he did say it was a cast member of the HBO show Entourage. His experience exemplifies just how important it is for guests to show respect to performers during live events. To ensure you don't make any faux pas during your next music event, be sure to follow the following rules of etiquette during music shows. 

1. Arrive on time

It is extremely distracting for both the performers and other audience members when guests arrive after a performance starts. Therefore, attendees should arrive at most music shows 20 minutes early. You may want to arrive at popular shows even earlier, especially if you suspect long lines. 

2. Turn your phone off

Press the power button on your mobile device and select "Power Off". Do not simply put your phone on "vibrate" (barring extenuating circumstances), as vibrations still make noise. All electronics, including smartwatches and cameras, should remain off during the performance, too. 

3. Don't talk (or sing)

You should not comment about the show to the people around you. You can go for drinks to talk about the show after the fact. You also shouldn't sing along to your favorite songs (unless invited to sing by the performers). 

4. Limit refreshments to intermission

In order to best enjoy the show and follow your inhibitions, you should limit the number of libations you enjoy before and during the performance. Many rude guests make faux pas they wouldn't normally make due to alcohol. You should enjoy yourself during the show, which may include a drink. However, you should stick to drinking during the intermission to ensure you don't overindulge. 

You also should be mindful of the treats you enjoy during the show. Don't bring unauthorized treats into the venue. You also should avoid noisy treats during an intimate show to prevent your chewing from getting into the background of the live recording.

5. Clap and cheer respectfully 

Throughout the show, you will likely feel compelled to show your appreciation to the performers. While your support is appreciated, you should be mindful that rogue cheers and clapping can throw the performers off. Follow along with the performers' cues. If unsure, wait until the end of the show.

Keep these tips in mind when going to music shows near you.

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Traveling to New Places

For years I pretty much stayed close to home base. I didn't want to travel much, as I didn't see how it would fit into my life. Fortunately, a friend of mine encouraged me to get started with travel, and I worked with her to make some things better. I found that there were great things involved with traveling to new places, such as meeting new people, working with others, and trying to understand a new culture. On this website, check out great ways that you can make travel more of a part of your life. After all, you may never know where a simple visit to a new place can take you.

