2 Things To Consider When Choosing A Bourbon Tour

For all that it is named after a region in France, bourbon is an uniquely American alcohol. It is associated with the South, especially Kentucky. It is made of corn and aged in oak barrels. For the alcohol to be classified as bourbon, it has to be aged in oak barrels. They generally are not reused for bourbon, but they can be reused for things like beer and wine, giving those drinks a hint of bourbon. If you like bourbon, you may want to go on a tour through Kentucky. Picking the right tour is important. That means you need to put a little thought into choosing the tour you want to go on.

Bourbon Trail or Single Distillery

There are two bourbon trails in Kentucky. The trails are groups of distilleries you can visit on a road trip. They are broken down regionally, which will let you go on a bourbon-flavored road trip. When you are choosing your bourbon tour, you need to decide whether you want to sign up for a tour that follows the Bourbon Trail and whether you want to follow the Eastern or Western Trail, or whether you want to focus on a single distillery. If you have a particular bourbon you like, you may want to go on a single distillery tour focused on that particular distillery. However, if you want to try a large variety of Bourbons to find your new favorite, a Bourbon Trail tour is going to be a good choice for you.

Tour Length

Another thing that can help you choose which bourbon tour you would like to take is how long the tour is. For example, a tour that is only two or three days long will mean you will rush through various distilleries to see as many as possible. However, that can be really frustrating because you are going to miss things if you are only there for a short time. If you have only a couple of days to do the tour, look for one that focuses on one or two distilleries so that you can spend the time really seeing everything.

If you love bourbon, a bourbon tour can be a great way to try new bourbon and see how bourbon is made overall. Not only will you get to see how the alcohol is made, but you can also find out how various things can influence the taste.

About Me

Traveling to New Places

For years I pretty much stayed close to home base. I didn't want to travel much, as I didn't see how it would fit into my life. Fortunately, a friend of mine encouraged me to get started with travel, and I worked with her to make some things better. I found that there were great things involved with traveling to new places, such as meeting new people, working with others, and trying to understand a new culture. On this website, check out great ways that you can make travel more of a part of your life. After all, you may never know where a simple visit to a new place can take you.

