4 Tips For Riding A Segway

Segways are unique locomotion devices that allow you to move forward while standing still. They're a lot of fun to ride, and they can prevent fatigue when you plan to cover a lot of ground in the city or on any paved path. Segway tours are a great way to experience the local sights, even if you're unable to walk long distances. If you've never ridden a Segway before, here are some tips that can help you out.

1. Wear a helmet.

No matter how experienced you are, you should always wear proper safety gear when riding a Segway. You'll be given a helmet at the beginning of your Segway tour, and you should keep it on your head at all times. While Segways are very safe, accidents can happen. You want your head to be protected just in case you fall off your Segway. If you're concerned about falling, you may want to wear long pants for extra protection as well.

2. Accelerate and decelerate gradually.

Segways have very intuitive, easy-to-use controls. You can make your Segway start or stop by changing the way your body is leaning. Lean forward to make the machine drive forward, and lean backward when you want it to stop. You can control the speed of your Segway by varying the degree of your lean. Leaning forward more heavily will cause the Segway to move faster. Always start and stop your Segway slowly; starting or stopping quickly can cause you to lose your balance and fall.

3. Avoid water, ice, and snow.

Segways have textured tires that grip the ground as you ride. These tires keep you safe by preventing skidding or slipping. However, slippery substances can reduce the amount of friction available from your tires' tread. Avoid driving though water, ice, or snow during your Segway tour. Drive around any puddles or oil spills you see, rather than through them. Your Segway tour guide will help you by pointing out potential hazards, but you should do your part by remaining vigilant.

4. Don't drive over objects.

The tires on Segways are large enough to drive over somewhat bumpy terrain. However, you should ride around obstacles whenever possible. Avoid driving over rocks, nails, branches, and other debris. These items can get stuck in your wheels and cause a flat tire. They may even get kicked up, which may injure you or others. Drive around any obvious items in your path.

About Me

Traveling to New Places

For years I pretty much stayed close to home base. I didn't want to travel much, as I didn't see how it would fit into my life. Fortunately, a friend of mine encouraged me to get started with travel, and I worked with her to make some things better. I found that there were great things involved with traveling to new places, such as meeting new people, working with others, and trying to understand a new culture. On this website, check out great ways that you can make travel more of a part of your life. After all, you may never know where a simple visit to a new place can take you.

